Meet Our Pastor

Rev. Jacob Hostetler and his wife Anna Hostetler were both born and raised in an Amish church in Laurence county Pa, Shortly after they got married Rev. Hostetler started digging into scripture and developed a strong hunger to know more of God which led them to have discussions with the elders of the Amish group and resulted into being shunned from friends and family, they started attending other churches. Shortly after leaving the Amish church Jacob and Anna Hostetler moved to Dickinson North Dakota where they had some family and started a new life. They found an Apostolic Pentecostal church in Dickinson where they moved to, and several years later Jacob Hostetler became a minister under the Pastor of that church, (Pastor Robert Simons) In 2015 the Lord called Rev. Hostetler to Washington Pa, to plant a church under the (UPCI) United Pentecostal Church International.
Rev. Jacob and Anna have five children, three boys and two girls. Anna is a stay at home mom. Rev. Jacob is also the Coordinator of the Amish Mennonite Evangelism Network International under the UPCI, and is the owner and founder of a construction company serving southwestern Pa, (Keystone Barns & Restoration LLC)